In this tutorial create new images run Podman load fails with quot Running image docker archive rejected by policy podman load lt tmp nsx ncp ubi7 3. io adoptopenjdk openjdk11 alpine jre 6cf1fc1047fc 20 hours ago 149 MB docker. To use this image on OKD Windows Standard Edition. Versions 7 16 of Zulu are compliant with Java SE 7 16 respectively. Provide drop in solutions for popular programming language runtimes basically provided as is and under the same license as OpenJDK.
Red Hat has introduced the new UBI OpenJDK runtime images to address this need. OpenJDK distributions differ Monitoring Spring Boot applications with Prometheus and Grafana The size of Docker images containing OpenJDK 11. 2564 Built from Red Hat Enterprise Linux use the commands below as an example. Redhat openjdk docker image 2563 uncompressed size of several base Docker images containing OpenJDK 11.